Josie Hiivala Josie Hiivala

Debie Calhoun

“In-home hospice is wonderful, but as a parent, you still have to take on the role of caregiver, administering medications and managing care. At the end of her life, I needed to be her mother, not her nurse. Ladybug House would have given me the chance to focus on loving her fully, without the burden of caregiving. In those final moments, I wanted nothing more than to hold my child, to just be present as her mother. Ladybug House would have given us the gift of love, allowing me to be with her in the way she needed most.”
-Debie Calhoun

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Josie Hiivala Josie Hiivala

Rachell Holloway

"I attended a Ladybug House Retreat, and it provided a peaceful space where we connected with others who truly understand everything we are going through.  Although Ladybug House is not yet a brick-and-mortar home, they provide amazing support programs. Just, no one gets uncomfortable and can't sit with you.  They know how to support, or just be, even without knowing your story. This kind of connection is so very needed." 

- Rachel Boyd

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Josie Hiivala Josie Hiivala

Katie Hanson

“We needed a community who could help us navigate what this meant for us as a family—we needed other parents who had walked this path and could tell us it would be ok. We needed help to transition our older children into this new normal with new expectations. We needed to be able to spend time with our older children—which was so hard to manage while in-patient—time was fragmented and confined to small spaces and activities. “

-Katie Hanson

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